Ich biete erlebensbezogene Workshops zu unterschiedlichen Themen an. Hier eine kleine Auswahl. Sie finden als offene Angebote statt oder können gebucht werden, z.B. für Ihr Unternehmen oder Team. Gerne passe ich Themen und Inhalte an Ihre Wünsche und Anliegen an.

I offer experiential workshops on a variety of topics. Here is a small selection. They take place as open offers or can be booked, e.g. for your company or team. I am happy to adapt topics and content to your wishes and concerns.

Ofrezco talleres vivenciales sobre diferentes temas. He aquí una pequeña selección. Tienen lugar como ofertas abiertas o pueden reservarse, por ejemplo, para su empresa o equipo. Estoy encantado de adaptar los temas y el contenido a sus deseos e inquietudes.


Are you living in many languages and cultures? Or would you like to do so? Did you immigrate and are you now living in a different environment which you sense all over your body? This can be as existing as challenging! Try Focusing to listen to yourself first. Your body knows very well how to care for you in such a situation, embodying a new culture and environment! ​​

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„The Hidden Life of Trees” from Peter Wholleben inspired me to understand forests as a metaphor for experiential processes in groups where all individuals form together one living system. Experiential groups emphasize and include the rich experience and uniqueness of each group-member and engage an organic way of „growing together“ as a supportive living community. it’s interactive, inspiring, surprising and a source for innovation, creativity and solution that meet all group members‘ needs!

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You are longing for a meaningful change in your life? A new career, a private decision or something that calls you again and again and you can’t top thinking about? Your body was created by all your lived experiences and knows very well what works for you and what doesn’t. With Focusing you can get in touch with your implied future, with what you feel and want but hasn’t been part of your life yet!

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